Facial, it’s not just for Porn

In the era of #metoo and great awareness of issues related to respect for the female world (and God forbid), talking about Facial could sound almost outrageous.
Yet the Facial is not always seen as an offensive practice, far from it, and this is demonstrated by the many women and girls who love to go all the way and without taboos, free from inhibitions. What’s wrong with concluding an oral relationship with a sketch of love to show your partner the utmost liking?
Because this is precisely the focal point of the matter, the Facial is one of the many sexual practices that an involved and passionate couple can decide to try, no more and no less than a cunnilingus, a 69 or an always green doggy style . So why not do it better?
To understand which are the best areas of the face where coitus should take place or how to improve the quantity and taste of sperm, you need to pay attention to a few simple rules.
What are the parts of the face to avoid
A cumshot in the face can be the exclamation point of a night of love and sex, but it can also become a real nightmare, something very annoying, if some precautions are not taken into account. Whether you are 2, 3 or in the middle of a Bukkake, even if you are caught up in the excitement, it is necessary to remain aware.
It is very important to avoid the eye area , a squirt of semen in the pupils causes discomfort and burning, and this would spoil the erotic atmosphere. But more importantly , there may be some risk of infection if your partner is HIV positive.
Another area to avoid is definitely the hair , as sperm is difficult to remove and tends to become encrusted. Especially if your partner has just washed their hair, it is good to be a little careful.
Once these simple precautions have been taken into account, the face becomes an erogenous zone par excellence where it is possible to conclude sexual or oral intercourse.
The best parts to come
The lips and cheeks are strong points to cause pleasure also to the partner, the neck and the chin are also excellent areas very welcome in general by women and boys. And if you’re particularly familiar with controlling the direction of the sketch, you can do it freely on the face, as long as you pay attention to your eyes and hair.
Many women prefer powerful and abundant squirts , both for the areas of the face and for a cumshot in the mouth. This last area is the best in terms of sensations and can give you an intense and wonderful orgasm. … Read full